We got to go to the dogpark in Palisade yesterday. It was wonderful. We usually go on saturdays but they were having a peach fair there on saturday so it was FULL of people. I love peaches so wanted to go, but mom made me stay home. She did bring me home a peach though, so I forgave her. She cuts them in half so I don't eat the pit. I wish she didn't though, that pit thing looks great to chew on. Anyway, back to the dogpark. Its a wonderful park with a pond, grass and lots of tall trees. We spent half the day there, then mom had to go get the human kids from school (it was their 1st day back at school). We always swim 1st when we get there. My sis, Josie, and I love the water the most. Justice and Aspasia like to swim too, but not as much. Schopenhauer doesn't ever get to go to dogparks, because he has too strong of a hunting instinct (thats what mom says anyway) and if he sees something little running he chases it. He cant tell if its a tiny dog or a bunny untill he is on top of it. He is great with our little dogs at home, but he doesnt pay enough attention at dogparks to go there safetly. He has never hurt a little dog, but he makes mom too nervous. After we have a good swim its time to RUN. Boy do we standard poodles love to run. We are always the fasted dogs there, especially Aspasia. She is like black lightning. We zoomed alover for a long time, and then it was time to go swimming again. We always try to get extra wet right before its time to get in the car, that way mom has more to do. I think she would get bored if she didn't have us poodles to clean up after all the time. On out last swim of the day there was a very extra suprize in the pond for us. A pair of swans. Boy did we want those birds, just to play with of course :) I tried several times to catch them but they kept swimming away, and because I'm such a big girl its hard for me to swim long distances. That didn't stop Josie though. She wanted those swans SO baddly. She swam almost the lenght of the pond (its a huge pond!) trying to catch those blasted birds. when she was about 3/4 from where she started to the otherside she decided to give up and turned around to come back to shore. Why she didn't just swim to the opposite shore which she was closser to beats me, but she didn't. She made it all the way back to us but when she got out of the water she couldnt walk. Mom was freaking a bit because she didn't know why Josie wouldn't walk. She picked her up, all 60lbs., and carried her to the car. She put her on the hood of the car so she could find out why Josie wouldnt walk. Justice, Aspasia, and I were concerned too. We kept pushing on Josie asking her what was wrong, but she was hurt to bad to talk. We were very worried. Finally, mom found out what the matter was. Josie had sliced of all the skin on her big pad one foot, and had sliced a pad on 2 other feet. Therefore, Josie only has 1 good foot! Mom hadn't delt with that kind of injurt before so took Josie to the vet right away and made us wait in the car. Mom almost never leaves us in the car, but this was an emergency. The vet cut off the extra skin from the worst pad injury and then wrapped all 3 injuted feet. Boy does Josie look silly. Mom has a cone thing for her neck so she wont chew the bandages, but we are all so used to wearing doggy shoes that josie doesn't care about the wrapps. Mom sure feels bad about Josie's feet. If we had been wearing our shoes Josie wouldn't have been hurt. We think her pads got cut by sharp rocks in the pond. We wear our shoes when we are going walking on hot sidewalks, in snow, or in the mountains, but the dogpark is mostly grass so we weren't wearing them. Poor Josie has to stay inside for a few weeks and can't play. I try and make her feel better by getting her to play inside (something we aren't allowed to do) but mom sees me and makes me leave her alone. Just because she got hurt doesn't mean she is special you know. I'm still just as special, even if Josie is being babied because she got hurt. (this is me pouting) Atleast I know mom still loves me. We all got new rawhide bones today. I think mom got them for us to let us know how much she loves us, and because Josie was getting bored in the house with just the little dogs to talk to. Otherthan mom over reacting to Josie's feet, it was a very fun day.
At 11:23 AM, Isabella said…
Oh, wow! That day started off so great and then turned so bad! Poor Josie! Thst's my my humans won't take me to the only beach here that dogs are allowed on. It's where the drunk people go with their dogs and there are broken bottles and fish hooks everywhere. How come dogs only get to go the beach with the drunks and broken glass? Just doesn't seem right to me.
I hope Josie's foot heals fast!
Big Wags,
At 8:08 PM, T-man Angel said…
Hi Moonshadow. I loved reading about your rescue when you were a kid. You sure look healthy and happy now!
At 4:54 AM, Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said…
Hey Moonshadow,
I was going to say what a great day you had - but then I read about what happened to Josie - what a terrible thing to happen :-(
Hope Josie is feeling better soon - and I am glad you are looking after her :-)
At 4:12 PM, Isabella said…
Just stopped by to see how Josie's foot is doing-did it heal up okay? I hope you all had a great holiday weekend.
Big Wags,
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